Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Institutes and Chairs

The facilities of our Faculty are located in several locations throughout the city of Würzburg. Most professors have their offices and laboratories on Campus Hubland Süd in the Institute’s buildings in the vicinity of the Central Chemistry Building (Zentralbau Chemie). The facilities of our professors of biochemistry are located at the Biocenter in the immediate vicinity of Campus Hubland Süd.

The professors of theoretical chemistry have their offices and laboratories on Campus Hubland Nord. The facilities of our professors of chemical technology of material synthesis are located on Röntgenring in the city center, the original location of our faculty, and at the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC. The facilities of the professor of cryo-electron microscopy are located at the Rudolf Virchow Center for Experimental Biomedicine on the Medical Campus. 

Campus Hubland Süd: Center for Chemistry



Center of Polymers for Life (CPL) under construction


Campus Hubland Nord and Röntgenring

Theodor Boveri Institute and Rudolf Virchow Center