Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy



The process of Habilitation provides highly qualified early career researchers with an opportunity to obtain eligibility for a university professorship and allows independence in research and teaching. In conferring a Habilitation, the University formally acknowledges on the recommodation of the facutly that the conferee possesses the academic qualification and teaching skills required for appointment to a professorship in one of the fields in the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

Candidates may pursue a Habilitation in

  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Theoretical chemistry
  • Materials science
  • Biochemistry
  • Food chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical chemistry
  • Clinical pharmacy
  • Drug formulation and delivery 

The Habilitation Process

  1. Application for acceptance as a Habilitation candidate
  2. Presentation to introduce the prospective candidate (Vorstellungskolloquium) - acceptance as a Habilitation candidate
  3. Appointment of a mentoring committee (Fachmentorat)
  4. Intermediate evaluation (to be conducted approx. two years into the process)
  5. Completion of the candidate’s work: scientific evaluation (to be conducted approx. four years into the process)
  6. Public presentation and decision on the conferral of a licence to teach

Contact and more information

Ute Link

Zentralgebäude Chemie, Raum 029
Am Hubland, 97074 Würzburg

Telefon: 0931 31 85365
Telefax: 0931 31 84607

These candidates are currently pursuing their Habilitation at our Faculty:

Guinevere Giffin Ph.D.

Research Group Leader

Fraunhofer R&D Center for Electromobility Bavaria
Fraunhofer-Institut für Silicatforschung ISC
Neunerplatz 2
97082 Würzburg

Tel: +49 931 31 85318

Dr. Clemens Grimm

Research Group Leader at the Chair of Biochemistry I

Am Hubland
97074 Würzburg

Raum B118

Phone: +49 931 31-84031


Dr. Merle Röhr

Center for Nanosystems Chemistry

97074 Würzburg

Tel: +49 931 31 89072