Deutsch Intern
Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Prof. A. Gautier: "Chemogenetic tools for imaging, sensing and controlling cell biochemistry"

Chemogenetic tools for imaging, sensing and controlling cell biochemistry
Date: 04/15/2024, 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Category: Vortrag
Location: Hubland Süd, Geb. C3 (Zentralbau Chemie), HS C
Organizer: Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Arnaud Gautier

Organisch-chemisches Kolloquium

The Institute of Organic Chemistry invites to the lecture of

Prof. Dr. Arnaud Gautier, Sorbonne Université, Paris, Frankreich

who will be talking about

 "Chemogenetic tools for imaging, sensing and controlling cell biochemistry"

Cells and organisms are complex machines driven by a set of dynamic biological events tightly orchestrated in space and time. The comprehensive molecular understanding of their inner workings requires acute molecular tools to observe and modulate the key triggers and cell signaling events. To study the molecular mechanisms that govern cells and organisms over different scales in time and space, we combine molecular chemistry with protein engineering and genetic tools to develop novel approaches for the quantitative imaging and acute modulation of individual small molecules, proteins, organelles or cells. Made of organic synthetic molecules coupled to genetic tags, these systems combine the advantage of synthetic molecules with the targeting selectivity of genetically encoded tags, challenging the paradigm of fully genetically encoded systems. During this talk, I will present how these systems can be used for imaging, sensing and controlling cell biochemistry with high spatial and temporal resolution.

1. M.-A. Plamont, E. Billon-Denis, S. Maurin, C. Gauron, F. M. Pimenta, C. G. Specht, J. Shi, J. Querard, B. Pan, J. Rossignol, K. Moncoq, N. Morellet, M. Volovitch, E. Lescop, Y. Chen, A. Triller, S. Vriz, T. Le Saux, L. Jullien & A. Gautier. A small fluorescence-activating and absorption-shifting tag for tunable protein imaging in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 113 (3), 497–502 (2016)

2. A. G. Tebo & A. Gautier. A split fluorescent reporter with rapid and reversible complementation. Nature Communications 10, 2822 (2019)

3. C. Li, A. G. Tebo, M. Thauvin, M.-A. Plamont, M. Volovitch, X. Morin, S. Vriz & A. Gautier. A far-red fluorescent chemogenetic reporter for in vivo molecular imaging. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 17917–17923 (2020)

4. A. G. Tebo, B. Moeyaert, M. Thauvin, I. Carlon-Andres, D. Böken, M. Volovitch, S. Padilla-Parra, P. Dedecker, S. Vriz & A. Gautier. Orthogonal fluorescent chemogenetic reporters for multicolor imaging. Nature Chemical Biology 17, 30-38 (2021)

5. H. Benaissa, K. Ounoughi, I. Aujard, E. Fischer, R. Goïame, J. Nguyen, A. G. Tebo, C. Li, T. Le Saux, G. Bertolin, M. Tramier, L. Danglot, N. Pietrancosta, X. Morin, L. Jullien & A Gautier. Engineering of a fluorescent chemogenetic reporter with tunable color for advanced live-cell imaging. Nature Communications 12, 6989 (2021)

6. S. Bottone, O. Joliot, Z.V. Cakil, L. El Hajji, L.-M. Rakotoarison, G. Boncompain, F. Perez & A. Gautier. A fluorogenic chemically induced dimerization technology for controlling, imaging and sensing protein proximity Nature Methods 20, 1553–1562 (2023
