Deutsch Intern
Institute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry

Humboldt fellowship awarded to Dr. Pavel Malý (AK Brixner)


The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has awarded a postdoctoral fellowship to Dr. Pavel Malý.

Dr. Pavel Malý, who is in the working group of Prof. Dr. Tobias Brixner, received his bachelor´s and master´s degree at the Charles University in Prague as well as his PhD, which he did in combination with the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. During the Humboldt fellowship, Pavel will develop a new spectroscopical technique called fluorescence-detected pump-probe spectroscopy (F-PP). This technique is designed to observe ultrafast electronic processes with very high sensitivity. This sensitivity makes it uniquely suited for use in a microscope, combining together the fields of ultrafast spectroscopy and optical micro/nanoscopy. The restriction to a nanoscopic region of the sample or to a single molecule enables the ultrafast spectroscopy to go beyond the ensemble average, observing dynamic phenomena and unraveling heterogeneity. Likewise, ultrafast time resolution in the nanoworld brings with itself new wealth of information about the local dynamics.

By H.-C. Schmitt
