Junior Professor Ann-Christin Pöppler is Felix-Bloch Lecturer 2021, presented by the division Magnetic Resonance of the German Chemical Society
moreJunior Professor Ann-Christin Pöppler is Felix-Bloch Lecturer 2021, presented by the division Magnetic Resonance of the German Chemical Society
moreThe Université Officielle de Mbujimayi has granted the honorary doctorate to Prof. Gerhard Bringmann from Würzburg. In doing so, it honors Bringmann's scientific work and the support of young-and-upcoming academics in the Congo.
moreProfessors and staff of the Institute of Organic Chemistry mourn for their former colleague and director Professor Siegfried Hünig. He deceased on March 24, 2021, just a few days before his 100th birthday.
moreThe drug Remdesivir only weakly inhibits the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Research groups from Göttingen and Würzburg have discovered why this is so.
moreThe Université Officielle de Bukavu has awarded the honorary doctorate to the professor from Würzburg Gerhard Bringmann. In doing so it honors his outstanding scientific research and his work in the Congo within the frame of the Excellence Scholarship Program BEBUC.
moreTheir work is most frequently cited in publications of other scientists. Five researchers from the University of Würzburg are therefore again included in the Highly Cited Researchers 2020 List.
moreOn the track of evolution: a catalytically active RNA molecule that specifically attaches methyl groups to other RNAs – a research group from the University of Würzburg reports on this new discovery in "Nature".
moreHonor for Professor of Chemistry: Bavarian Minister of Science Bernd Sibler bestows the Federal Cross of Merit on Professor Gerhard Bringmann.
moreFor her project "Complementary Tools for the Characterization of Complex Solid Materials" Ann-Christin Pöppler received one of the two prestigious Fulbright-Cottrell Awards 2020.
moreA standard drug for the treatment of depression might also be effective against Covid-19, a new study by Würzburg virologists and chemists shows which has been published on a preprint server.
moreChemists and virologists from the University of Würzburg are currently testing substances on a large scale to fight the new coronavirus. Some of them have been proven surprisingly effective.
moreThe use of antibiotics also leads to multidrug-resistant bacteria. A new Research Training Group at the University of Würzburg will provide 14 doctoral training positions to develop alternatives to antibiotic treatment.
moreAt the end of the European research project DIACAT a public symposium takes place at the University of Würzburg: "Carbon Materials for Sustainable Applications – Perspectives in PhotoElectroCatalysis".
moreJunior Professor Ann-Christin Pöppler and colleagues from Würzburg report why nanocontainers for drugs can have their pitfalls: If they are too heavily loaded, they will only dissolve poorly.
moreAgnieszka Nowak-Król received one of the coveted Emmy-Noether grants of the DFG for her outstanding research work in the field of functional boron compounds.