World renowned chemist Alois Fürstner was happy to accept the invitation to give this year's Siegfried Hünig Lecture on May, 26th in Würzburg.
MehrWorld renowned chemist Alois Fürstner was happy to accept the invitation to give this year's Siegfried Hünig Lecture on May, 26th in Würzburg.
MehrThe Summer Semester Lecture Series in 2014 starts with a lecture about "Why Are Biological Systems Homochiral?"
MehrAt the 3rd "Solar Technologies Go Hybrid Workshop"* in Wildbad Kreuth Valentin Kunz, Doctoral Candidate at the Würthner Group, received one of three poster prizes.
MehrUS scientist Michael R. Wasielewski has received a Humboldt Research Award. He will now pursue his research activities in the field of artificial photosynthesis at the Nanosystems Chemistry Center of the University of Würzburg with Professor Frank Würthner.
MehrGood News for Sofja-Kovalevskaja Awardee Dr. Gustavo Fernández-Huertas – Due to his excellent research results, which were published in top chemistry journals and also received attention at international conferences, he was chosen the very first awardee of the newly established “Keck-Köppe-Förderstiftung” with 5000 €.
MehrWe are happy to announce that two of our postdoctoral fellows were given grants for their excellent efforts
MehrAndreas Liess, PhD student in the working group of Prof. Frank Würthner, was awarded a regarded poster prize at an international conference in Cork, Ireland.
MehrAlhama Arjona Esteban, PhD student in the working group of Prof. Frank Würthner, was awarded a regarded poster prize at an international conference in Strasbourg.
MehrDavid Bialas, from Professor Würthner’s research group, is awarded with a „Chemiefonds-Stipend“ for completing his dissertation about „Supramolekulare p/n Heteregrenzflächen: Modellsysteme für die organische Photovoltaik“.
MehrUlrich Mayerhöffer, who successfully defended his PhD thesis with distinction on "Synthese, Eigenschaften und funktionale Anwendung von NIR absorbierenden Squarainen" on February 15, 2012, was chosen as an awardee by the VAA Foundation.