For Students

Bachelor and Master projects
For Bachelor and Master thesis projects in the areas of Bioinorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemical Biology, we are continously looking for talented students with good synthetic skills and an interest in interdisciplinary research at the interface of chemistry, biology, and medicine.
To start a Bachelor thesis, you need at least 125 ECTS and should have completed the AC II lab course. A Master practical can be started at any time, but for a Master thesis project, you need at least 80 ECTS to begin with the laboratory work.
How to apply
Would you like to prepare novel transition metal complexes with activity against cancer or pathogenic microorganisms? Are you interested to learn how to attach metal complexes to bio(macro)molecules such as peptides and oligonucleotides using modern bioorthogonal coupling methods? Do you want to study the scope and kinetics of "iClick" reactions?
Then, send me your detailed application package by email. Please include a motivation letter, CV, and current Transcript of Records with your application. The latter has to be generate yourself in WueStudy. Due to limited lab space, make sure to discuss a potential project at least 3-4 months before your intended starting date to ensure we can accommodate you at your preferred date. Do not hesitate to contact me already now for a project during the summer term 2024.
Attention - New rules for Bachelor thesis projects: Due to a high number of requests, in 2023/2024 there will be only 3 "slots" for 2 projects each: 25.09. to 15.12.2023, 15.04. to 05.07.2024, and 23.09. to 13.12.2024. Please send you application by the following deadlines: 01.07.2023, 15.12.2023, and 15.07.2024. Students will be selected on a competitive basis considering both the quality of the application package and a personal interview.
Lectures and Practicals
Below, you will find some basic information on the lectures and practicals supervised by Prof. Schatzschneider in the winter term 2023/2024. Please note however that this listing is only supplementary and final authoritive information on the time and location of lectures as well as deadlines and dates for examinations are exclusively published in WueStudy.
Lectures Winter Term 2023/2024
07180010 | AC-Bio-1V | Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie im Nebenfach | Bachelor Biologie und Biomedizin, Staatsexamen Human- und Zahnmedizin | Start: Tuesday, 17.10.2023 at 08:00 lecture hall HS1 |
07103040 | ACM2-1S1 | Bioanorganische Chemie | Master Chemie und Biochemie | Start: Tuesday, 17.10.2023 at 14:00 seminar room C2.00.025 |
Practicals Winter Term 2023/2024
07102450 | 08-ACP2 | Praktikum Anorganische Chemie 2 | Bachelor Chemie | Start: Monday, 16.10.2023 at 13:00 in lecture hall D, Zentralbau Chemie |
07103400 | ACM1-2P | Anorganisch Chemisches Praktikum für Fortgeschrittene | Master Chemie | Start: by individual agreement |