Center for Nanosystems Chemistry

„Fonds der Chemischen Industrie“ post-graduate-stipend is awarded to David Bialas


David Bialas, from Professor Würthner’s research group, is awarded with a „Chemiefonds-Stipend“ for completing his dissertation about „Supramolekulare p/n Heteregrenzflächen: Modellsysteme für die organische Photovoltaik“.

David Bialas

The awardee has been studying Chemistry since 2007, finishing his Bachelor and Master degree receiving highest marks for both. His scientific career includes several publications, conference contributions and practical experience, for example his position as teaching assistant in the fields of physical chemistry and organic chemistry at the University of Würzburg. This is not the first time that his achievements are rewarded - amongst others David Bialas already received the „Begabtenförderungsstipendium des Cusanuswerks“ or the „Fakultätspreis für hervorragende Leistungen im Bachelor of Science Studiengang“.

The research group around Professor Würthner is congratulating him to this stipend and is looking forward to a successful dissertation.
