Center for Nanosystems Chemistry

CNC Lecture on November 6, 2014


The Winter Semester Lecture Series starts with a guest speaker from the USA: Timothy M. Swager* is the John D. MacArthur Professor of Chemistry and the Director, Deshpande Center for Technological Innovation at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Professor Timothy M. Swager

On November 6, 2014 he will hold a lecture on Molecular Electronics for Chemical Sensors starting at 17:15 in lecture hall C (chemistry central building/Hubland Campus).

We are all looking forward to Prof. Swager!

Please click here to read the abstract.

*Swager’s research interests are in design, synthesis, and study of organic-based electronic, sensory, high-strength and liquid crystalline materials.  His liquid crystal designs demonstrated shape complementarity to generate specific interactions between molecules and includes fundamental mechanisms for increasing liquid crystal order by a new mechanism referred to as minimization of free volume. Swager’s research in electronic polymers has been mainly directed at the demonstration of new conceptual approaches to the construction of sensory materials.  These methods are the basis of the FidoTM explosives detectors (FLIR Systems Inc), which have the highest sensitivity of any explosives sensor.   Other areas actively investigated by the Swager group include radicals for dynamic nuclear polarization, applications of nano-carbon materials, organic photovoltaic materials, polymer actuators, and luminescent molecular probes for medical diagnostics.  He is the founder of 4 companies (DyNuPol, Iptyx, PolyJoule, and C­2 Sense) and has served on a number of corporate and government boards.

