6th SolTech Conference in Munich; Bavarian scientists discuss with industry and international experts about exploiting solar energy
06.10.2017With nearly 200 participants, the conference room at the “Haus der Bayerischen Wirtschaft” in Munich was well filled on October 4th and 5th. Not only scientists from those five Bavarian universities came together, which have joined the unique research association "Solar Technologies Go Hybrid" (SolTech), but also prominent speakers from abroad and industry.
Latest findings, materials and procedures that convert solar energy into electricity and chemical energy have been discussed. The latter closely resembles artificial photosynthesis which can be used to produce combustible gases such as hydrogen or methane. Such synthetic solar fuels might be used in future as climate-neutral and environmental friendly alternatives to common fossil fuels.
Within SolTech, the key labs at the universities of Würzburg, Bayreuth, Erlangen and Munich (LMU and TUM) combine their particular expertise in material science and process engineering in order to play a major role on an international level in solar energy conversion, a future-oriented technology and area of research. The SolTech network is generously supported by the Free State of Bavaria and particularly benefits junior scientists and students, who will serve as proven experts for the local industry.
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