Lehrstuhl für Chemische Technologie der Materialsynthese

Dr. Karl Mandel

Dr. Karl Mandel


The Particle Technology Group


Chemical Technology of Materials Synthesis

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Julius-Maximilians-University Würzburg,
Röntgenring 11 | 97070 Würzburg | Germany

Phone +49 931 4100-402 | Fax -399



Since 07/2014:Head of group (“Abteilungsleiter”) Particle Technology, Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC Würzburg, Germany
Since 11/2015:additionally Habilitand at the Faculty of Chemistry & Pharmacy, Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg, Germany
Since 11/2017:Emil-Fischer-Fellow (Junior-Professor equivalent status) after positive mid-term evaluation of the Habilitation work
Since 07/2018:additionally BMBF NanoMatFutur group leader
2013-2014:Co-group leader (dual-leadership) Particle Technology and Interfaces, Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC Würzburg, Germany
2010-2013:  PhD in Chemistry, at the Faculty of Chemistry & Pharmacy, Julius-Maximilians University Würzburg, Germany
2005-2010:Studies in Earth Science (BSc) and Materials Science (MSc) in Munich, Salzburg, Ulm and Oxford


Research stays in Austria, UK, China, The Netherlands, France, Ireland    


Scholarships and Awards



Appointed as Emil-Fischer-Fellow of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy,University of Würzburg (Junior-Professor equivalent)


Selected as scholar in the BMBF NanoMatFutur grant compentition to establish a young investigator group 


Alfred Kärcher Foundation: Funded project of the year 2016


Max-Buchner research scholarship


Deutscher Studienpreis der Körber-Stiftung

11/2014:Hugo-Geiger-Preis (3rd prize) (Fraunhofer)
11/2014:Rektor-Max-Meyer-Preis (University Würzburg)
11/2013:Re-Water Braunschweig Zukunftspreis
07/2012:Selected scientist to attend the 62nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting
04/2011 – 09/2013:Kekulé scholarship Fonds der Chemischen Industrie (FCI)
03/2010 – 09/2010:Scholarship of Evonik Industries
03/2010 – 09/2010:Foreign exchange scholarship:Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
10/2006 – 09/2008:Various scholarships of the TU Munich
02/2006 – 10/2010:Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes


Reviewer for: JACS, ACS Nano, ACS Appl. Mater.; Chem. Mater., J. Mater. Chem. C;
                          Chem. Phys.; Mater. Sci. Eng. B, Chemosphere, ACS Sust. Chem. & Eng. et al.


Karl Mandel`s research

