Deutsch Intern
Institute of Organic Chemistry

Daniela Pucci Prize for Lisa Reber at the ECLC2023


Lisa Reber from the Lehmann Group was awarded the Daniela Pucci Prize at the 16th European Liquid Crystal Conference held at the University of Calabria in Rende (Italy).

[Translate to Englisch:]
[Translate to Englisch:] Lisa Reber während der Preisverleihung mit dem Preiskomitee und dem Konferenzvorsitzenden Professor Riccardo Barberi. Von links nach rechts: Prof. Riccardo Baberi, Lisa Reber, Prof. Alessandra Crispini, Prof. Gabriella Cipparrone, Prof. Aiello Iolinda

This prize is addressed to a female researcher who has made significant contributions to the field of Liquid Crystals, fostering innovative solutions in science and technology. Lisa Reber has been selected by a committee for the best talk on „Supramolecular click mechanism and fullerene-substituted porphyrin star mesogens – a success story?“ in which she concluded the highly challenging synthesis of tailor-made porphyrin based liquid crystals for the application in future liquid crystalline photovoltaic materials.

„I feel very honored to receive this prize“ Lisa stated in the presence of former colleagues of Daniela Pucci., who was a Calabrian synthetic chemist in the field of metallo mesogens who passed away much too early in 2014.

The Lehmann group participated successfully with three researchers at the conference presenting four posters and two talks on their comprehensive studies about liquid crystal photovoltaic materials, liquid crystalline electrolytes for energy materials and biaxial nematic liquid crystals. Fruitful discussions in the beautiful Calabrian environment at the conference center as well as the city of Cosenza, enforced the contact between the multidisciplinary working researchers and augmented international collaborations of the Lehmann group.
