PhD Defence
01.12.2020Weltweit oft zitiert
23.11.2020Ihre Arbeiten werden in den Publikationen anderer außergewöhnlich oft zitiert. Fünf Forscher der Universität Würzburg erhalten dafür erneut das Prädikat „Highly Cited Researcher“.
MehrPhD Defence
09.10.2020PhD Defence
10.09.2020PhD Defence
27.07.2020PhD Defence
24.02.2020PhD Defence
18.12.2019Dye Chemistry Transferred to Modern Times
04.04.2019Frank Würthner, Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Würzburg, receives a highly renowned prize: He is awarded the Adolf von Baeyer Medal.
MehrHumboldt Research Award and Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award winners in our faculty
01.04.2019On Friday, March 29th, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation research award winners were welcomed to Germany at its traditional annual awards symposium in Bamberg. Three of them are hosted in the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of JMU during their research stays.
MehrJoint Seminar in Guangzhou
20.03.2019Since 2018 the groups of Zengqi Xie and Frank Würthner collaborate in the framework of a Chinese (NSFC) - German (DFG) project on the interlayer engineering for organic solar cells. The concept utilizes perylene bisimide dyes as photosensitizers in zinc oxide interlayers.
MehrMore than 200 participants met for the fifth edition of SupraChem in Würzburg in February 2019. Besides 27 short lectures and 111 poster contributions by German and European participants, three plenary lectures by internationally renowned scientists were given as true highlights, one of them from the 2016 Chemistry Nobel Laureate Sir Fraser Stoddart.
MehrThis prestigious distinction has been awarded to Frank Würthner and five other scientists from the University of Würzburg this year. The six faculty members and one researcher honoured as "Citation Laureate" are among the most frequently cited and hence most influential authors in their fields of research.