Dozentenpreis of VCI (Verband der chemischen Industrie)
MehrDozentenpreis of VCI (Verband der chemischen Industrie)
MehrBruker User Meeting 2022 on 15th of November in Ettlingen!
MehrOn Monday 14th of November 2022 the "Preis für gute Lehre 2020" was belated awarded to Ann-Christin Pöppler in Augsburg, Germany.
MehrCongratulations to Justyna for finishing her Master's Thesis!
MehrCongratulations to Anna-Lena for finishing her Master's Thesis!
MehrAfter two weeks of working on a real scientific problem including measuring and evaluating data, the participants designed scientific posters which were presented at our own postersession!
Steffi and Malte joint their first conference in person in Utrecht/The Netherlands from 10th to 15th of July 2022!
After the conference we met Theresa and visited Amsterdam!
Last Friday our summer party took place! We started in the early afternoon with a kayak tour in Volkach and were kayaking down the Main. In the evening we had a delicious barbecue and two former PhD students joined as well.
MehrOn Thursday afternoon we did a lama hike in Retztal near Würzburg. After a short introduction about Lamas with interesting facts about the cute-looking animals, everybody took his/her lama and we walked through fields and the forest. As only the lama had their food (fresh green grass and leaves) they found on their way, we also got very hungry and decided to go to a restaurant – with delicious pizza! Thanks to Retztal Lamas for a lovely afternoon and beatiful day!
On the picture you can see Theresa with Samson, Ann-Christin with Wilma, Justyna with Otti, Steffi with Fifty-fifty, Steffi with Emma and Anna-Lena with Lucky.
Ann-Christin was invited to give talks at the ENC Conference in Orlando, Florida and at the ISPT Conference 2022!
MehrCongratulations to Lando for finishing his Master's Thesis!