Deutsch Intern
Institute of Organic Chemistry

Dr. L. Lavis: "Designing brighter dyes for advanced imaging experiments in cells and animals"

Date: 07/04/2022, 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM
Category: Vortrag
Location: Hubland Süd, Geb. C1 (Neubau f. Organische Chemie), HS C
Organizer: Universität Würzburg, Prof. Claudia Höbartner
Speaker: Dr. Luke Lavis

Organisch-chemisches Kolloquium

The Institute of Organic Chemistry invites to the lecture of

Dr. Luke Lavis,  Howard Hughes Medical Institute - Janelia Research Campus Ashburg, VA, USA

who will be talking about

„Designing brighter dyes for advanced imaging experiments in cells and animals"
