A special SolTech issue 2017 in Advanced Energy Materials


A special issue dedicated to the activities in the Bavarian Research Programme "Solar Technologies go Hybrid" was published on August 23, 2017 in Advanced Energy Materials. Here in 13 articles the key laboratories at the Universities of Bayreuth, Erlangen-Nürnberg, LMU München, TU München and Würzburg give an overview on their activities dedicated to new approaches for solar light harvesting in photovoltaics or for the generation of solar fuels. In 4 articles researchers from Würzburg are involved which work in the groups of Prof. Dr. Tobias Brixner, Prof. Dr. Christoph Lambert, Prof. Dr. Roland Mitric, Prof. Dr. Jens Pflaum and Prof. Dr. Frank Würthner.

SolTech issue in Advanced Energy Materials 2017

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