Prof. Dr. Holger Helten
Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry
& Institute for Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis with Boron (ICB)
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Am Hubland
D-97074 Würzburg
Phone: +49 931 31 84086
Curriculum Vitae |
Since 2019 | Professor (W3) & Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I, University of Würzburg, | |
from 05/2019 - 07/2023 as Heisenberg Professor | ||
04/2019 | Offer for an Associate Professorship at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (declined) | |
10/2018 | Offer for a Chair and Full Professorship (W3) at the University of Wuppertal, Germany (declined) | |
2018 — 2019 | Heisenberg Research Group Leader, RWTH Aachen University (07/2018 — 04/2019), and University of Würzburg (05/2019 — 11/2019) | |
07/2018 | Habilitation, Venia Legendi in "Chemistry" (Mentor: Prof. Dr. Jun Okuda) | |
2012 — 2018 | Emmy Noether Junior Research Group Leader, RWTH Aachen University | |
2010 — 2011 | Postdoctoral research with Prof. Dr. Ian Manners University of Bristol, UK | |
2004 — 2009 | Ph.D. in Chemistry “summa cum laude”, University of Bonn (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Rainer Streubel) | |
08/2007—10/2007: Research visit with Prof. Dr. Anthony J. Arduengo, III University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA | ||
1998 — 2003 | Studies in Chemistry, University of Würzburg diploma thesis (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Bernd Engels), final grade: 1.0 | |
1997 | Studies in Biology, University of Würzburg |
Awards and Recognitions | |
Heisenberg grant of the German Research Foundation (DFG) | |
International Advisory Board, International Conference on Heteroatom Chemistry (ICHAC) | |
Emmy Noether grant | |
Invited article, Chemical Communications, 2023 Pioneering Investigators Collection | |
Invited article, Dalton Transactions, New Talent: Europe (2018) | |
Return fellowship of the DFG | |
Postdoctoral research fellowship of the DFG, University of Bristol, UK | |
Dr. Edmund ter-Meer-Award for the best Ph.D. thesis of the year | |
Fellowship of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, USA | |
Kekulé doctoral fellowship of the “Fonds der Chemischen Industrie” (FCI) | |
Doctoral fellowship of the SFB 624 (“Templates”) | |
Fellowship of the Graduate Training Programme “Elektronendichte: Theorie und Experiment” | |
Faculty Award 2002/2003 of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of the University of Würzburg for the diploma thesis |
Editorial Work | |
Associate Editor Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry (EIBC) |
Memberships | |
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) | |
Wöhler Division for Inorganic Chemistry at the GDCh | |
AG Phosphorus Chemistry at the GDCh | |
Division of Sustainable Chemistry at the GDCh | |
Division of Macromolecular Chemistry at the GDCh | |
American Chemical Society (ACS) | |
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) | |
Main Group Chemistry Group at the RSC | |
Physico-Medica | |
Deutscher Hochschulverband | |
Member of the Sustainability Commission of the JMU Würzburg |