Jake and Jiarong Attend SupraChem


A great conference and a second...

Jake and Jiarong attended the SupraChem conference in Ulm, Germany.

Jiarong gave a poster flash talk and presented a poster. Due to her excellent performance, she received a poster prize, her second for work on imine-based photoswitches (published in Chemical Science, https://doi.org/10.1039/D3SC05841G). The award criteria included poster design, clarity of presentation, and research impact.

Established in 2011, SupraChem is held every two years as Germany's national supramolecular chemistry meeting. It attracts many international participants from across Europe and as far as Canada.

This year, SupraChem was hosted in Ulm. The next installment will be in 2026 in Dortmund. Further information can be found at www.suprachem.org.